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Visitors 36
Modified 18-Jun-24
Created 28-Aug-09
14 photos

All but the last 2 photos were taken at KSC on 8-24-09. I received a launch ticket package from a high-school friend (recent friend addition via Facebook) who was unable to attend that day. The ticket included park entry, dinner with an astronaut speaker, and transportation to the Causeway to view the launch. Unfortunately, the launch scrubbed that night because of a late-developing storm, just 15 minutes before liftoff. The pictures that I took of the shuttle on the pad are blurry because they had to be blown up; I only had a 200mm lens and that's not good enough to get crisp photos.

The last 2 photos were taken a block from our house in Deland, at the lake within our subdivision. This was my first attempt at take a time-lapsed photo of the shuttle. I hope I get another chance to do it again. The launch was at 11:59 PM on 8/28/09.
Ret. Col. Rick Searfoss - Speaker @ Dinner with an Astronaut.jpgRocket Garden 1.jpgRocket Garden 2.jpgRocket Garden 3.jpgRockets with the moon in the background.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 1.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 2.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 4.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 5.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 6.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 7.jpgSTS-128 Discovery on the Pad 8.jpgSTS-128 Discovery time-lapsed from Deland FL at 1159 PM on 8-28-09 (1a).jpgSTS-128 Discovery time-lapsed from Deland FL at 1159 PM on 8-28-09 (2).jpg